TU Dresden Institute of Wood and Paper Technology

Topic of investigations in the project (title)

Chemical and physical analysis of lignin, natural fibres and lignin based materials


Technische Universität Dresden,
Institute of Wood and Paper Technology,
Professorship of Wood and Fibre Materials Technology


Marschnerstraße 32,
01307 Dresden,

Project leader:

Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Wagenführ

Responsible co-worker:

Dipl.-Ing. Holger Unbehaun


Research activities of the Institute of Wood and Paper Technology (IWPT) comprise the production, characterisation, modification and  processing of solid wood, wood fibres and other lignocellulose materials.
The role of the IWPT in the present project will be the production of fibre-reinforced lignin-based biopolymers in laboratory scale by use of Natural Pulping Lignin as well as other commercial lignin. Processing parameters for injection and press moulding will be optimised. The determination of mechanical, dynamic and viscoelastic properties, the long-time stability (creep performance) as well as the odour characteristics of polymer test samples will be carried out.
In addition IWPT is responsible for preparation and characterisation of the straw raw material and the delivery to the project partner.